There is lots of good news from AeonRobotics GmbH (,
a spin-off of the IRP and founded by Soeren & Sönke Michalik and Lars Heim:
- AeonRobotics is one of the winners of the Gründungswettbewerb – Digitale Innovationen
of the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz against 186 competitors - AeonRobtics is nominated for the Niedersachsen Innovation prize in category "Vision": - a joint research proposal of IRP and AeonRobotics was evaluated "to be funded" and is on the
way to implement research on how to use AeonRobbotics new technologies towards teaching force tasks
The innovative product of AeonRobotics: the "handeffector", a low-cost sensing and force feedback
robotic platform, development supported through an BMBF EXIST funding hosted at IRP
See also the video at: