Sinan Barut
Mechanism Analysis with Dual-Quaternions.
In robotics, descriptions of the motions and forces are crucial to analyze a mechanism. One approach was given in the year 1964 by A.T.Yang describing an exemplary mechanism with dual quaternions. Dual quaternions are a mixture of dual numbers, an elegant way to describe rotations and translations, and quaternions, an elegant way to actually describe rotations. Thus, dual-quaternions are a "not so novel anymore" but still quite unused way to describe transformations containing rotations AND translations. The given paper is a classical touching point on how to actually apply dual quaternions on a mechanism. The focus shouldn't be the paper itself and the presented mechanism but the actual application idea of the dual quaternions and the dual quaternion itself with the paper as an example.
Paper: "Application of Dual-Number Quaternion Algebra to the Analysis of Spatial Mechanisms" von A.T. Yang und F. Freudenstein.