Institut für Robotik und Prozessinformatik
Mühlenpfordtstraße 23
Tue, 13:00-14:00, pls schedule via email
38106 Braunschweig
+49 (531) 391-7450
j.steil (AT) tu-braunschweig.de / jsteil (AT) rob.cs.tu-bs.de
ORCID: 0000-0002-6738-9933
Research Interests:
Learning in robots and other artificial cognitive systems, human-robot interaction and collaboration, humanoid robots, soft robots, robot imitation learning, robot learning and system architectures, neural networks, machine learning applications in robotics and automation, Industrie 4.0, digitialization and the future of work.
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Jochen J. Steil on ResearchGate
Current Projects
- OrDiLe: Orientierung in digitalen Lebenswelten, part of BMBF project cluster Integrierte Forschung
- EVO-MTI: robotic testing of exoskeletons with Helmut-Schmidt University, Hamburg, and further partners
- DAAD Fellowship Chukwoka Ojiugwo: Multi-agent reinforcement learning
- member of Platform Lernende Systeme, AG Mensch-Maschine Interaktion
- head of Kommission Synergie und Intelligenz: technische, ethische und rechtliche Herausforderungen des Zusammenwirkens lebender und nicht-lebender Entitäten im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung (SYnENZ) der Braunschweigischen Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft (BWG)
Further finished projects see down below.
Career Milestones
2023, March-August | Fellow of Theoretical Sciences Visiting Programm at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan |
since 02/2023 | Co-Founder and CEO of Spin-off Gauss Robotics GmbH |
2015 - 2021 | Visiting Professor at Oxford Brookes University, UK |
since 10/2016 | Professor of Robotics, Technische Universität Braunschweig |
2015-2019 | Coordinator of H2020 CogIMon - Cognitive Compliant Interaction in Motion |
2013 | on leave as full professor to Oxford Brookes University, UK (Sept-Dec) |
2012/13 | fellow of ZiF group on "Competition and Priority Control in Mind and Brain" |
2010-14 | Coordinator FP7 AMARSi: Adaptive Modular Architectures for Rich Motor Skills with 10 partner, 7 Mio funding |
2008 | appointed apl. Professor for Neuroinformatics at Faculty of Technology, Bielefeld University |
2007/08 | managing director of Excellence Center Cognitive Interaction Technology |
since 2007 | managing director of CoR-Lab |
2006 | principal scientist at the Honda Research Institute Europe, Offenbach, March-July |
2006 | habilitation at the Faculty of Technology and venia legendi in Neuroinformatics |
2002 | tenured senior researcher (Akad. Rat) |
1999 | PhD. Degree (Dr. rer. nat) with a Dissertation on "Input-Output Stability of Recurrent Neural Networks" |
1995/96 | German Academic Exchange Foundation (DAAD) fellowship at St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University, Russia |
1993 | diploma in mathematics from the Bielefeld University |
Finished Projects:
CogIMon: Cognitive Compliant Interaction in Motion
- H2020 CogIMon: Cognitive Compliant Interaction in Motion, 2015-2020, eight partner, 7 Mio total funding, with Aude Billard, Auke Ijspeert, Martin Giese, Nikos Tsagarakis, Darwin Caldwell, Mikel Mistry, Andrea d'Avella, Yuri Ivanenko, Etinne Burdet, Sebastian Wrede
Spitzencluster it's-owl
(leading edge cluster in intelligent technical systems, a regional initiative of industry and academia towards innovation in technical systems). Main subprojects:
- Querschnittsprojekt: Human-Machine Interaction (coordinator, with Dr. S. Wrede, Prof. S. Kopp)
- Querschnittsprojekt: Self-Optimization (coordination: F. Reinhart, researcher W. Aswolinskiy, Dr. Z. Sharif)
- Innovationsproject: FlexIMon/FlexIMir (Flexibles Montagekonzept) with Harting Technology Group (coordinator Dr. S. Wrede, researcher C. Dreyer, M. Wojtynek)
- several small-scale transfer projects with industrial partners Boge, Hanning, Steute and others
EU collaboration projects
- 2015 - 2016 FP7 ECHORD++: CoHRos - Collaborative Programming of Highly Redundant Robots with welding robot manufacturer Carl Cloos Schweißtechnik
- 2010 - 2014 AMARSi: Adaptive Modular Architectures for Rich Motor Skills, large scale FP7-IP project, 10 partner, 7 Mio funding, www.amarsi-project.org
- 2011 - 2013 FP7 ECHORD: MoFTaG - Model-Free Trajectory Generation through kinesthetic teaching of task and configuration for redundant robots
Industrial collaboration projects
- 2012 - 2016 "Force Interaction Skill Learning"&&rdquo (Dr. J. Kober, Dr. Andre Lemme), R&D project with Honda Research Institute (HRI), co-supervisor Dr. M. Gienger
- 2008 - 2011 "Goal-directed imitation learning from humans" (Dr. M. Mühlig), co-superviser Dr. M. Gienger, HRI
- 2008 - 2011 “Interaktive Bedienhilfe in der ZSVA” (Dr. S. Ruether), R&D project with industry partner Miele Professional, Miele & Cie. KG, co-supervisor Dr. T. Hermann, Prof. Dr. S. Kopp
- 2008 - 2011 Neural learning of flexible full body motion" (M. Rolf), R&D project with Honda Research Institute (HRI) in cooperation with Dr. M. Gienger
- 2006 - 2011 ALEGRO: Autonomous Learning of Generative Representations of Objects" (Dr. A. Denecke), R&D project with Honda Research Institute (HRI) in cooperation with Dr. H. Wersing (HRI)
- 2003 – 2007 “Viola: Visual Online Learning and Action” in cooperation with Honda Research Institute Europe, in cooperation with Dr. H. Wersing (HRI)
other projects and grants
- CITEC graduate school project: Paramterized Skill Memories and Optimiziation (Jeffrey Queisser)
- NRW Fortschrittskolleg Gestaltung flexibler Arbeitswelten (kurz: Arbeit 4.0): Feedback in Kinesthetic teaching and robot learning (S. Gopinatan)
- 2014/2015 Fellowship: Kinesthetic teaching of human-like motions (W. Lui)
- CITEC (Excellence Center in Cognitive Interaction Technology, Bielefeld University)
- Task-dependent control of eye movements and mobile visual sensors (Dr. Anna Belardinelli, Dr. Marco Wischnewski), co-superviser Prof. W.X. Schneider, Department of Psychology, Bielefeld University
- GoToGoal: experimental investigation of goal babbling, with Prof. M. Ernst (now Ulm University) and researchers Dr. K. Narioka and Dr. M. Rhode
- CoR-Lab 2011/2012: Goal-Babbling: Online Exploration of redundant inverse mappings (Dr. M. Rolf)
- 2011-2012 Calibration Free Hand-Eye Coordination (A. Freire), DAAD co-funded PhD grant in cooperation with Prof. G. Baretto, Fortaleza, Brazil
- 2006-2010 project C4 “Adaptive Alignment in Human-Robot-Cooperation” in special
research unit (SFB) 673 “Alignment in Communication” with Prof. Ritter - “Haptic object classification by recursive networks in anthropomorphic grasping”,
DAAD funded cooperation with Prof. A. Sperduti, Padua, Italy - 01/2003 – 12/2005 project D6 “Architectures for Learning by Imitation in Speech-action Systems” in SFB 360 “Situated Artificial Communicators” with Prof. Ritter