Institut für Robotik und Prozessinformatik
Mühlenpfordtstraße 23
38106 Braunschweig
r.rayyes (at) tu-braunschweig.de
I moved to Karlsruhe Insitute for Technology (KIT) working as Junior-Professor for AI & Robotics. You can reach me at rania.rayyes@kit.edu
Research interests
- Robot Learning
- Efficient Learning
- Deep Learning
- Machine Vision
- Cognitive Robotics
- Introduction to Machine Learning (SS 21, SS 22)
Exercises Supervision:
- Introduction to Machine Learning
- Robotics-Seminar
- Robotics 1
Awards and Grants
- AnitaB.org GHC faculty scholarship 2022
- "Robotik Talent" Award for my PhD Dissertation from Niedersächsische Wirtschafts- und Digitalisierungsministerium 2021
- ANITA B.ORG GHC Student Scholarship 2020
- Google grant for ACM womENcourage conference 2019 - Only 6 female computer science students were selected over all EMEA (Middle East, Europe, and Africa)
- Nominated by DAAD for the 7th Heidelberg Laureate Forum, Heidelberg, Germany 2019 - only 20 scientists were nominated from all DAAD scholarship holders and alumni
- German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Scholarship "Research Grant for Doctoral Program in Germany"
- The Superior Graduate Award for Mechatronics Bachelor Degree (Ranking the First)
- Academic Excellence - Top Student Awards: I have received 5 awards (one in each year during my Mechatronics Bachelor's study)
More about me
- Board member of IMOL community
- Co-organizer for IMOL workshop
- Joined Google Post-IWD program for industry professionals
- Participated in Google International Women's Day (2021, 2022)
- Defended my PhD thesis on 16.12.2020
- Research intern at Sony CSL, Tokyo, Japan, Oct 2019 - March 2020
- Participated in TU Braunschweig Excellence video
- Invited and participated in Top Women in Technology in Brussels 2018, 2022