Multi-Arm Manipulation of Heavy Objects

Robots with more degrees of freedom than necessary for a primary task are referred to be redundant. The Kuka LWR manipulator with seven joints has been widely used as a research platform to evaluate suitable redundancy resolutions for a given task.
As next step, IRP composed a multi-body system with 28 DOF consisting of four cooperative Kuka LWR manipulators to study multi-arm grasping. All robot arms in contact with a heavy object can be treated as a closed kinematic chain with high redundancy. An impressive video with the results is available here.

Niels Dehio published his experiment on ICRA 2018 and received high interest by the community. Recently he presented the approach at
- DGR Days 2017 Bremen,
- DLR München (invited by Prof. Alin Albu-Schäffer),
- KIT Karlsruhe (invited by Prof. Tamim Asfour),
- ORB Heidelberg (invited by Prof. Katja Mombaur),
- MPI for Intelligent Systems Tübingen (invited by Prof. Ludovic Righetti),
- CITEC Bielefeld (invited by Prof. Helge Ritter) and soon also at
- CNRS Montpellier (invited by Prof. Abderrahmane Kheddar)

Please find the publication here.