Meet us every day at IROS

Our research staff is at IROS presenting our recent work in different robotic domains with 7 contributions:

  • Our contribution in learning inverse models efficiently by proposing new methods and exploiting the characteristic of the models will be presented by Rania Rayyes:
    - Monday: Multi-Stage Goal Babbling for learning inverse models simultaneously, BODIES workshop.
    - Wednesday: Learning forward and inverse kinematics efficiently.
  • New method in virtual reality to control whole-body motion in real time will be presented by Pouya Mohammadi
    - Tuesday : Real-time control of whole body motion and trajectory generation for physiotherapeutic therapy in vr , Medical Robot session
  • Our breaking results for improving robot performance will be presented by Pouya Mohammadi
    - Thursday: Exploiting contacts to improve manipulator performance
  • Our recent work on Grasping by Niels Dehio will be on
    - Monday : Task-Informed Grasping (TIG) for rigid and deformable object manipulation workshop
  • Niels Dehio will also present :
    -Thursday : Continuously Shaping Projections and Operational Space Tasks, Motion Control session
  • New control architecture for soft robot s with high accuracy will be presented by Milad Malekzadeh
    - Friday: Soft Robotic Modeling and Control: Bringing Together Articulated Soft Robots and Soft-Bodied Robots