Prof.a.D. Dr.-Ing. Friedrich M. Wahl

Institut für Robotik und Prozessinformatik
Mühlenpfordtstraße 23


on appointment
38106 Braunschweig






Prof. Wahl studied electrical engineering in Munich, specializing in cybernetics. From 1974 to 1981, he was working as a scientific assistant with Prof. Marko at the Institute of Communications Engineering at the Technical University of Munich, where in 1980 he finished his Ph.D. thesis on Two-Dimensional Recursive Filters and their Applications in Image Processing. 1981-1982 he held a visiting scientists position at the IBM Research Centre San Jose (areas of research: Automatic Document Analysis and Computer Vision for industrial inspection and quality control). From 1983-1986 Prof. Wahl worked at the IBM Research Center Zürich (Rüschlikon)(areas of research: Image Processing, NCI processing in computer networks, responsible for the computer vision project). 1984 the Technical University of Munich granted him the venia legendi in Digital Signal and Image Processing. 1986 Dr. Wahl became full Professor at the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany. There he served from 1991 till 1993 as Dean of the Mathematics, Computer Science and Economics Department and from 1993 till 1995 as member of the Senate of the university. As head of the Institute for Robotics and Process Control, his research interests have been in the areas of Algorithms in Robotics/Computer Vision, Programming Languages and Computer Architectures in Robotics, Parameter Estimation and Robot Control, Sensors and Navigation for Mobile Robots, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, Task and Assembly Planning. Prof. Wahl is author/editor of several books and author/co-author of more than 350 journal and conference publications. He holds several patents. In 1992 Prof. Wahl became Advisory Professor at Shanghai University, PR China. From 2000 to 2010 he was chairman of the Collaborative Research Centre 562 on 'Robotic Systems for Handling and Assembly'. He also acted as consultant of large and medium size industrial companies and worked as reviewer in several national and international funding organisations. On October 2014 Prof. Wahl retired.