
Found 787 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Tittel S., Malekzadeh M., Steil JJ.  2019.  Full 6-DOF Admittance Control for the Industrial Robot Stäubli TX60. 2019 IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE). :1450-1455.
Rhode M, Narioka K, Stein L, Steil JJ, Ernst M.  2019.  Goal-Related Feedback Guides Motor Exploration and Redundancy Resolution in Human Motor Skill Acquisition. PLOS Computational Biology. 15(3):1-27.
Steil JJ, Wrede S.  2019.  Maschinelles Lernen und lernende Assistenzsysteme - Neue Tätigkeiten, Rollen und Anforderungen für Beschäftigte? Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis – BWP. 3:14-18.
Malekzadeh M, Queißer J, Steil JJ.  2019.  Multi-level control architecture for Bionic Handling Assistant robot augmented by learning from demonstration for apple-picking. Advanced Robotics. :1-17.
Rayyes R, Steil JJ.  2019.  Online Associative Multi-Stage Goal Babbling Toward Versatile Learning of Sensorimotor Skills. Int. Conference Developmental Learning. :327-334.
Kodl J, Mukovskiy A, Mohammadi P, Malekzadeh M, Taubert N, Christensen A, Dijkstra T, Steil JJ, Giese M.  2019.  Online planning and control of ball throwing by the humanoid robot COMAN and validation exploiting VR in rehabilitation scenarios with ataxia patients.
Wojtynek M, Steil JJ, Wrede S.  2019.  Plug, Plan and Produce as Enabler for easy Workcell Setup and Collaborative Robot Programming in Smart Factories. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz. 33(Special Issue: Smart Production 2):151–161.
Mohammadi P, Hoffmann EMingo, Muratore L, Tsgarakis N, Steil JJ.  2019.  Reactive Walking Based on Upper-Body Manipulability: An application to Intention Detection and Reaction. ICRA.
Steil JJ.  2019.  Roboterlernen ohne Grenzen ? Lernende Roboter und ethische Fragen Christiane Woopen, Marc Jannes [Hrsg.] Roboter in der Gesellschaft. Technische Möglichkeiten und menschliche Verantwortung. :15-33.
Steil JJ, Finas D, Beck S, Manzeschke A, Haux R.  2019.  Robotic Systems in Operating Theatres: New Forms of Team-Machine Interaction in Health Care - On Challenges for Health Information Systems on Adequately Considering Hybrid Action of Humans and Machines. Methods of Information in Medicine. 58:e14-e25.
Donat H, Lilge S, Steil JJ, Burgner-Kahrs J.  2019.  Towards Learning Force Sensing for a Concentric Tube Continuum Robot.
Bongardt B.  2020.  The Adjoint Trigonometric Representation of Displacements and a Closed-Form Solution to the IKP of General 3C Chains. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 100(6)
Mohammadi P, Hoffmann EMingo, Dehio N, Malekzadeh M, Giese M, Tsagarakis N, Steil JJ.  2020.  Compliant Humanoids Moving Toward Rehabilitation Applications: Transparent Integration of Real-Time Control, Whole-Body Motion Generation, and Virtual Reality. ICRA - RAM paper presentation .
Bongardt B, Löwe H, Müller A.  2020.  Eine vergleichende Betrachtung algebraischer Darstellungen euklidischer Transformationen im Raum. IFTOMM-DACH.
Donat H, Lilge S, Burgner-Kahrs J, Steil JJ.  2020.  Estimating Tip Contact Forces for Concentric Tube Continuum Robots based on Backbone Deflection. IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics. 2(4):619-630.
Bongardt B, Uicker JJ.  2020.  Exponential Displacement Coordinates by Means of the Adjoint Representation. Advances in Robot Kinematics 2020. :250-258.
Rayyes R, Donat H, Steil JJ.  2020.  Hierarchical Interest-Driven Goal Babbling for Efficient Bootstrapping of Sensorimotor skills. ICRA . :1336-1342.
Steil JJ, Maier GW.  2020.  Kollaborative Roboter – universale Werkzeuge in der digitalisierten und vernetzten Arbeitswelt. G. W. Maier, G. Engels, E. Steffen (Hrg.): Handbuch Gestaltung digitaler und vernetzter Arbeitswelten. :323-346.
Huchler N, Adolph L, André E, Bauer W, Bender N, Müller N, Neuburger R, Peissner M, Steil JJ, Stowasser S et al..  2020.  Kriterien für die menschengerechte Gestaltung der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion bei Lernenden Systemen – Whitepaper aus der Plattform Lernende Systeme.
Ötting S, Masjutin L, Steil JJ, Maier GW.  2020.  Let's Work Together: A Meta-Analysis on Robot Design Features that Enable Successful Human–Robot Interaction at Work. Human Factors.
