
Found 787 results
Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Journal Article
Soltoggio A, Steil JJ.  2013.  Solving the distal reward problem with rare correlations. Neural Computation. 25:940–978.
Oszwald M., Westphal R., Stier R., Calafi A., Gaulke R., Müller C., Wahl F., Krettek C., Gösling T..  2010.  A standardized fracture reduction model for long bones - Implication and evaluation in the femur. Technol Health Care. 18:387–391.
Junger I.B, Steil JJ.  2003.  Static Sliding Mode Phenomena in Dynamical Systems. IEEE Trans. Automatic Control. 48:680–686.
Westphal R., Winkelbach S., Gösling T., Hüfner T., Faulstich J., Martin P., Krettek C., Wahl F..  2006.  A Surgical Telemanipulator for Femur Shaft Fracture Reduction. Int. J. of of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery. 2:238–250.
Osypiuk R., Kröger T..  2010.  A Three-Loop Model-Following Control Structure: Theory and Implementation. International Journal of Control. 83:97–104.
Aswolinskiy W, Reinhart F, Steil JJ.  2017.  Time Series Classification in Reservoir- and Model-Space. Neural Processing Letters. 48(3):789–809.
Li W., Chang X., Wahl F., Farrell J..  2001.  Tracking control of a manipulator under uncertainty by FUZZY P+ID controller. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 122:125–137.
Hölscher T., Wilkening W., Molkenstruck S., Voit H., Koch C..  2008.  Transcranial Sound Field Characterization in the Scope of Sonothrombolysis. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology.
Steil JJ, Cawley GC, Villmann T.  2005.  Trends in Neurocomputing at ESANN 2004. Neurocomputing. 64:1–4.
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Wrede S, Emmerich C, Grünberg R, Nordmann A, Swadzba A, Steil JJ.  2013.  A User Study on Kinesthetic Teaching of Redundant Robots in Task and Configuration Space. Journal of Human-Robot Interaction. 2:56–81.
Gopinathan S, Ötting S, Steil JJ.  2017.  A user study on personalized stiffness control and task specificity in physical Human-Robot Interaction. Frontiers in Robotics and AI -- Humanoid Robotics.
Ding M., Wahl F..  1995.  Using Space Continuity and Orientation Constraints for Range Data Acquisition. Pattern Recognition. 72:987–1004.
Wischnewski M, Belardinelli A, Schneider WX, Steil JJ.  2010.  Where to Look Next? Combining Static and Dynamic Proto-objects in a TVA-based Model of Visual Attention Cognitive Computation. 2:326–343.
Eichhorn K., Westphal R., Last C., Rilk M., Bootz F., Wahl F., Jakob M..  2015.  Workspace and Pivot Point for Robot assisted Endoscope Guidance in Functional Endonasal Sinus Surgery (FESS). Int. J. of of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery. 11:30–37.
Pelich C., Wahl F..  1997.  ZERO++ - An OOP Environment for Multiprocessor Robot Control. IASTED International Journal of Robotics & Automation. :49–57.
