
Found 787 results
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Prüfer M., Mundhenke J..  1992.  Parallele Datenverarbeitung mit dem Transputer. :57–59.
Schmidt C., Prüfer M..  1997.  Parameter Identification in Robot Control. Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. 7:377–399.
Kozlowski K., Prüfer M..  1992.  Parameter Identification of an Experimental 2-Link Direct Drive Arm. IASTED International Conference on Control and Robotics. :313–316.
Aswolinskiy W, Steil JJ.  2016.  Parameterized Pattern Generation via Regression in the Model Space of Echo State Networks. Proceedings of the Workshop on New Challenges in Neural Computation.
Kunkel M., Moral A., Rilk M., Tingelhoff K., Bootz F., Wahl F..  2007.  Paranasal Sinuses Segmentation / Reconstruction for Robot Assisted Endonasal Surgery. Thematic Conference on Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing ECCOMAS VIPIMAGE. :175–181.
Gutsche R., Stahs T., Wahl F..  1991.  Path Generation with a Universal 3D Sensor. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation Sacramento. :838–843.
Shareef Z.  2015.  Path planning and trajectory optimization of delta parallel robot. Department of Mechanical Engineering. PhD Thesis
Gutsche R., Laloni C., Wahl F..  1994.  Path Planning for Mobile Vehicles within Dynamic Worlds using Statistical Data. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). :454–461.
Winkelbach S., Wahl F..  2001.  Pattern Recognition (DAGM 2001). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. :377–384.
Winkelbach S., Wahl F..  2003.  Pattern Recognition (DAGM 2002). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. :240–247.
Winkelbach S., Westphal R., Gösling T..  2003.  Pattern Recognition (DAGM 2003). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. :566–573.
Winkelbach S., Molkenstruck S., Wahl F..  2006.  Pattern Recognition (DAGM 2006). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. :718–728.
Molkenstruck S., Winkelbach S., Wahl F..  2008.  Pattern Recognition (DAGM 2008). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. :284–293.
Winkelbach S., Rilk M., Schönfelder C., Wahl F..  2004.  PatternRecognition (DAGM 2004). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. :129–136.
Bongardt B, Löwe H, Müller A, Steil JJ.  2021.  A Perspective onto the Structure of Motions from the Viewpoint of Dualization. Geometry and Topology in Robotics: Learning, Optimization, Planning, and Control / RSS Workshop.
Hammer B, Steil JJ.  2002.  Perspectives on Learning with Recurrent Neural Networks. Proc. European Symposium Artificial Neural Networks. :357–368.
Finkemeyer B., Kröger T., Wahl F..  2003.  PLACING OF OBJECTS IN UNKNOWN ENVIRONMENTS. Proceedings of the 9th IEEE Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR 2003). :975–980.
Stoeter S., Voss S., Papanikolopoulos N., Mosemann H..  1999.  Planning of Regrasp Operations. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. :245–250.
Thomas U., Wahl F..  2012.  Planning Sensor Feedback for Assembly Skills by Using Sensor State Space Graphs. ICIRA 2012. :696–707.
Röthling F, Haschke R, Steil JJ, Ritter H.  2007.  Platform Portable Anthropomorphic Grasping with the Bielefeld 20-DOF Shadow and 9-DOF TUM Hand. Proc. Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). :2951–2956.
Krebs B., Korn B., Wahl F..  1995.  Plausibilistic Preprocessing of Sparse Range Images. 1995 ICIAP - International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing. :361–366.
Krebs B., Korn B..  1995.  Plausibilistische Vorverarbeitung von unvollständigen Tiefenbildern. Tagungsband des 17. DAGM-Symposiums Mustererkennung. :500–507.
Wojtynek M, Steil JJ, Wrede S.  2019.  Plug, Plan and Produce as Enabler for easy Workcell Setup and Collaborative Robot Programming in Smart Factories. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz. 33(Special Issue: Smart Production 2):151–161.
Stahs T., Wahl F..  1989.  Polyhedral Object Recognition by Hough Space Analysis. Geobild. 51:165-172.
Engelbrecht J., Wahl F..  1988.  Polyhedral Object Recognition Using Hough-Space Features. Pattern Recognition. 21:155-167.
