
Found 787 results
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Steil JJ.  2004.  Neural Dynamics for Task-Oriented Grouping of Communicating Agents. Proc. European Symposium Artificial Neural Networks. :531–536.
Reinhart F, Steil JJ.  2011.  Neural learning and dynamical selection of redundant solutions for inverse kinematic control. Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Humanoid Robots. :564–569.
Neumann K, Lemme A, Steil JJ.  2013.  Neural Learning of Stable Dynamical Systems based on Data-Driven Lyapunov Candidates. :1216–1222.
Lemme A, Reinhart F, Neumann K, Steil JJ.  2014.  Neural Learning of Vector Fields for Encoding Stable Dynamical Systems. Neurocomputing. 141:3–14.
Lebedev DV, Steil JJ, Ritter H.  2003.  A Neural Network Model that Calculates Dynamic Distance Transform for Path Planning and Exploration in a Changing Environment. Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. :4209–4214.
Lemme A, Neumann K, Reinhart F, Steil JJ.  2013.  Neurally imprinted stable vector fields. ESANN. :327–332.
Li W., Ma B., Wahl F..  1997.  A neuro-fuzzy system architecture for behavior-based control of a mobile robot in unkown environments. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 87:133–140.
Laloni C., Gutsche R., Wahl F..  1992.  A New Factory-Floor Monitoring System for Mobile Robot Guidance. ICARCV92 - International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision. :12.6.1–12.6.5.
Diethers K., Fireley T., Kröger T., Thomas U..  2003.  A New Framework for Task Oriented Sensor Based Robot Programming and Verification. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics. :1208–1214.
Gutsche R., Laloni C., Wahl F..  1992.  New Freespace-Decomposition Technique for Path Planning in Dynamic Worlds. 1992 IASTED - International Conference on Control and Robotics. :305–308.
Gutsche R., Wahl F..  1992.  A New Navigation Concept for Mobile Vehicles. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. :215–220.
Thomas U., Iser R..  2010.  A new Probabilistic Path Planning Algorithm for (Dis)assembly Tasks. Proc. of ISR/Robotik 2010. :467–472.
Lebedev DV, Steil JJ, Ritter H.  2002.  A New Wave Neural Network Dynamics for Planning Safe Paths of Autonomous Objects in a Dynamically Changing World. Advances in Neural Networks World. :141–146.
Haux R., Wahl F., Winkelbach S..  2008.  Niedersächsischer Forschungsverbund Gestaltung altersgerechter Lebenswelten (GAL) "Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik zur Gewinnung und Aufrechterhaltung von Lebensqualität,Gesundheit und Selbstbestimmung in der zweiten Lebenshäfte". Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie. 41:I/19.
Bongardt B.  2018.  Novel Plücker Operators and a Dual Rodrigues Formula Applied to the IKP of General 3R Chains. International Symposium on Advances in Robot Kinematics (ARK).
Gösling T., Winkelbach S., Westphal R., Hüfner T., Wahl F., Krettek C..  2004.  Oberflächen-Matching als Basis anatomischer Achswiederherstellung am Beispiel der Femurschaftfraktur. DGU 2004, 68. Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für Unfallchirurgie.
Stahs T., Wahl F..  1990.  Oberflächenvermessung mit einem 3D-Robotsensor. Zeitschrift für Photogrammetrie und Fererkundung (ZPF). :190-202.
Gutsche R., Laloni C., Wahl F..  1994.  Object Flow Fields - A New Paradigm for Path Planning for AGVs within Production Environments. Data and Knowledge Systems for Manufacturing and Engineering (DKSME). :216–221.
Stahs T., Wahl F..  1992.  Object Recognition and Pose Estimation with a Fast and Versatile 3D Robot Sensor. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. :684–687.
Stahs T., Wahl F..  1993.  Objekterkennung und Lagebestimmung mit einem 3D-Robotersensor. Tagungsband des 3. Symposiums Bildverarbeitung der Technischen Akademie Esslingen.
Stahs T., Wahl F..  1994.  Objekterkennung und Lagebestimmung mit einem 3D-Robotsensor. Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik (it+ti). 1/94:39–46.
Spröwitz A, Tuleu A, Ajaoolleian M, Vespignani M, Moeckel R, Eckert P, D'Haene M, Degrave J, Nordmann A, Schrauwen B et al..  2018.  Oncilla robot: a versatile open-source quadruped research robot with compliant pantograph legs. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, section Bionics and Biomimetics.
Rayyes R, Steil JJ.  2019.  Online Associative Multi-Stage Goal Babbling Toward Versatile Learning of Sensorimotor Skills. Int. Conference Developmental Learning. :327-334.
Kubus D., Kröger T., Wahl F..  2008.  On-Line Estimation of Inertial Parameters Using a Recursive Total Least-Squares Approach. IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems. :3845–3852.
Denecke A, Wersing H, Steil JJ, Körner E.  2009.  Online figure-ground segmentation with adaptive metrics in Generalized LVQ. Neurocomputing. 72:1470–1482.
