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Graphics & Robotics. :1–30.
1994. Hard Real-Time Scheduling of Distance-Constrained Sensor Tasks within a Monitoring System for Mobile Robot Guidance. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems. :591–596.
1995. Monitoring System with Logical Reasoning for Mobile Robot Guidance. SPIE OE/Technology - Intelligent Robots and Visual Communications (Mobile Robots IV). :361–372.
1992. A New Factory-Floor Monitoring System for Mobile Robot Guidance. ICARCV92 - International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision. :12.6.1–12.6.5.
1992. Factory Floor Monitoring System with Intelligent Control for Mobile Robot Guidance. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics. :185–190.
1993. VMV 2013: Vision, Modeling & Visualization. :153–160.
2013. A Model-Based Approach to the Segmentation of Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinus Boundaries. Pattern Recognition (Proc. of DAGM 2010),. 6376:333–342.
2010. Global-to-Local Statistical Shape Priors. Shape 2014 - Symposium on Statistical Shape Models and Applications.
2014. A Locally Deformable Statistical Shape Model. MLMI 2011, LNCS. 7009:51–58.
2011. Global-to-Local Shape Priors for Variational Image Segmentation. ICIP 2014, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing.
2014. .
2012. Hochdynamische Parallelroboter im Bereich Handhabung und Montage. GMA-Kongress 2005. :243–253.
2005. .
2013. Proceedings of the Second International Colloquium 'Collaborative Research Centre 562. Fortschritte in der Robotik.
2005. A New Wave Neural Network Dynamics for Planning Safe Paths of Autonomous Objects in a Dynamically Changing World. Advances in Neural Networks World. :141–146.
2002. A Neural Network Model that Calculates Dynamic Distance Transform for Path Planning and Exploration in a Changing Environment. Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. :4209–4214.
2003. Real Time Path Planning in Dynamic Environment: a Comparison of Three Neural Network Models. Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. :3408–3413.
2003. An on-line neural network-based approach to dynamic path planning and coordination of two robot arms. Proc. Int. Conf. Intelligent Robotis and Systems. :2411–2416.
2005. Efficient online learning of a non-negative sparse autoencoder. European Symposium Artificial Neural Networks. :1–6.
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2014. Online learning and generalization of parts-based image representations by Non-Negative Sparse Autoencoders. Neural Networks. 33:194–203.
2012. A flat neural network architecture to represent movement primitives with integrated sequencing. :481–486.
2015. Kinesthetic teaching of visuomotor coordination for pointing by the humanoid robot iCub. Neurocomputing. 112:179–188.
2013. Open-source benchmarking for learned reaching motion generation in robotics. Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics. 6:30–41.
2015. Neurally imprinted stable vector fields. ESANN. :327–332.