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Wang Y., Heng P., Wahl F..  2003.  Image Reconstructions from two Orthogonal Projections. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology. 13:141–145.
Wang Y., Frieden B..  1995.  Minimum-Entropy Neural Network Approach to Turbulent Image Reconstruction. Applied Optics. 34:5938–5944.
Wang Y., Wahl F..  1996.  Interactive Multiobjective Decision-Making Approach to Image Reconstruction from Projections. Journal of Signal Processing. 48:67–75.
Wang Y., Wahl F..  1997.  Vector-Entropy Optimization-Based Neural-Network Approach to Image Reconstruction from Projections. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks. 8:1008–1014.
Wang Y., Wahl F..  1997.  Multiobjective neural network for image reconstruction. IEEE Proceedings of Vis. Image Signal Process. 144:233–236.