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Rare neural correlations implement robotic conditioning with reward delays and disturbances. Frontiers in Neurorobotics. 7:6.
2013. Open-source benchmarking for learned reaching motion generation in robotics. Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics. 6:30–41.
2015. Online learning and generalization of parts-based image representations by Non-Negative Sparse Autoencoders. Neural Networks. 33:194–203.
2012. Neural Learning of Vector Fields for Encoding Stable Dynamical Systems. Neurocomputing. 141:3–14.
2014. Kinesthetic teaching of visuomotor coordination for pointing by the humanoid robot iCub. Neurocomputing. 112:179–188.
2013. Using movement primitives in interpreting and decomposing complex trajectories in learning-by-doing. :1427–1433.
2012. Teaching Nullspace Constraints in Physical Human-Robot Interaction using Reservoir Computing. International Conference on Robotics and Automation. :1868–1875.
2012. .
2014. Representation and Generalization of Bi-manual Skills from Kinesthetic Teaching. IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots. :560–567.
2012. Neurally imprinted stable vector fields. ESANN. :327–332.
2013. .
2013. Learning visuo-motor coordination for pointing without depth calculation. Proc. European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks. :91–96.
2012. .
2013. Interactive Learning of Inverse Kinematics with Nullspace Constraints using Recurrent Neural Networks. Proc. 20. Workshop on Computational Intelligence.
2010. A flat neural network architecture to represent movement primitives with integrated sequencing. :481–486.
2015. Efficient online learning of a non-negative sparse autoencoder. European Symposium Artificial Neural Networks. :1–6.