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A constrained regularization approach for input-driven recurrent neural networks. Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems. 19:27–46.
2011. Definiton and Execution of a Generic Assembly Programming Paradigm. Assembly Automation Journal. 36:61–68.
2008. Efficient exploratory learning of inverse kinematics on a bionic elephant trunk. IEEE Trans. Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 25:1147–1160.
2014. Efficient Online Interest-Driven Exploration for Developmental Robots. IEEE Trans. Cognitive and Developmental Systems. 14 (4):1367-1377.
2022. Efficient Policy Search in Low-dimensional Embedding Spaces by Generalizing Motion Primitives with a Parameterized Skill Memory. Autonomous Robots. 38:331–348.
2015. Explorative learning of right inverse functions: theoretical implications of redundancy. Neurocomputing. 131:2-14.
2013. Generating and Evaluating Stable Assembly Sequences. Journal of Advanced Robotics, Special Issue on Mechanical Assembly. 11:97-126.
1997. Goal Babbling permits direct learning of inverse kinematics. IEEE Trans. Autonomous Mental Development. 2:216–229.
2010. Goal-Related Feedback Guides Motor Exploration and Redundancy Resolution in Human Motor Skill Acquisition. PLOS Computational Biology. 15(3):1-27.
2019. HighLAP: A High Level System for Generating, Representing, and Evaluating Assembly Sequences. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools. 6:149–163.
1997. Humans and Humanoids - Perspectives on Research in Cognition and Robotics. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz. 4:33–36.
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2017. Integrating Feature Maps and Competitive Layer Architectures For Motion Segmentation. Neurocomputing. 74:1372–1381.
2011. Interest-Driven Exploration with Observational Learning for Developmental Robots. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems .
2021. Learning Inverse Statics Models Efficiently with Symmetry-Based Exploration. Frontiers in Neurorobotics.
2018. Learning Lateral Interactions for Feature Binding and Sensory Segmentation from Prototypic Basis Interactions. IEEE Trans. Neural Networks. 17:843–862.
2006. Lessons Learned from Investigating Robotics-Based, Human-like Testing of an Upper-Body Exoskeleton . Applied Sciences. 14(6)
2024. Mit Kopf, Körper und Hand: Herausforderungen Humanoider Roboter. Automatisierungstechnik, special issue on "humnoid robotics". 58:630–638.
2010. Modelling of Parametrized Processes via Regression in the Model Space of Neural Networks. Neurocomputing. 268(C):55-63.
2017. Multi-directional Continuous Association with Input-driven Neural Dynamics. Neurocomputing (Special Issue ESANN 2012). 112:47–57.
2013. A Multi-Level Control Architecture for the Bionic Handling Assistant. Advanced Robotics. 29:847–859.
2015. A Multi-Level Control Architecture for the Bionic Handling Assistant. Advanced Robotics. 29:847–859.
2015. Neural Architectures for Robotic Intelligence. Reviews in the Neurosciences. 14:121–143.
2003. Neural Architectures for Robotic Intelligence. Reviews in the Neurosciences. 14:121–143.
2003. Neural Learning of Vector Fields for Encoding Stable Dynamical Systems. Neurocomputing. 141:3–14.