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Prüfer M., Schmidt C., Wahl F..  1994.  Identification of Robot Dynamics with Differential and Integral Models: A Comparison. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. :340–345.
Schmidt C., Prüfer M..  1997.  Parameter Identification in Robot Control. Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. 7:377–399.
Prüfer M., Schmidt C..  1996.  Practical Aspects of Robot Dynamics Identification. Proceedings of the 3rd Int. Symposium on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics. :971–976.
Prüfer M., Schmidt C., Wahl F..  1995.  Processor Nets for Advanced Robot Control Applications. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Methods and Modelin Automation and Robotics. :549–554.