
Found 69 results
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Last C., Winkelbach S., Wahl F..  2013.  VMV 2013: Vision, Modeling & Visualization. :153–160.
Westphal R., Oszwald M., Winkelbach S., Hüfner T., Krettek C., Wahl F., Gösling T..  2009.  Trauma und Berufskrankheit. 11(3):140–147.
Iser R., Spehr J., Winkelbach S., Wahl F..  2008.  Robotik 2008. VDI-Berichte. :163-166.
Winkelbach S., Rilk M., Schönfelder C., Wahl F..  2004.  PatternRecognition (DAGM 2004). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. :129–136.
Molkenstruck S., Winkelbach S., Wahl F..  2008.  Pattern Recognition (DAGM 2008). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. :284–293.
Winkelbach S., Molkenstruck S., Wahl F..  2006.  Pattern Recognition (DAGM 2006). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. :718–728.
Winkelbach S., Westphal R., Gösling T..  2003.  Pattern Recognition (DAGM 2003). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. :566–573.
Winkelbach S., Wahl F..  2003.  Pattern Recognition (DAGM 2002). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. :240–247.
Winkelbach S., Wahl F..  2001.  Pattern Recognition (DAGM 2001). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. :377–384.
Westphal R., Winkelbach S..  2006.  Methods of Information in Medicine - Supplement 2006 IMIA Yearbook. :70–73.
Westphal R., Winkelbach S., Gösling T., Oszwald M., Hüfner T., Krettek C., Wahl F..  2008.  Medical Robotics. :507–526.
Westphal R., Winkelbach S., Gösling T., Oszwald M., Hüfner T., Krettek C., Wahl F..  2009.  German Workshop on Robotics 2009, Braunschweig, 2009, Advances in Robotics Research. :251–262.
Kubus D., Iser R., Winkelbach S., Wahl F..  2009.  German Workshop on Robotics 2009, Braunschweig, 2009 Advances in Robotics Research. :239–250.
Westphal R., Gösling T., Oszwald M., Bredow J., Klepzig D., Winkelbach S., Hüfner T., Krettek C., Wahl F..  2008.  Experimental Robotics. :153–163.
Winkelbach S., Westphal R., Gösling T..  2003.  CARS 2003, Proceedings of the 17th International Congress and Exhibition, Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. International Congress Series. :1348.
Westphal R., Faulstich J., Gösling T., Winkelbach S., Hüfner T., Krettek C., Wahl F..  2003.  CARS 2003, Proceedings of the 17th International Congress and Exhibition, Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. International Congress Series. :1369.
Rilk M., Winkelbach S., Wahl F..  2006.  Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2006. :414–418.
