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Emmerich C, Reinhart F, Steil JJ.  2013.  Multi-directional Continuous Association with Input-driven Neural Dynamics. Neurocomputing (Special Issue ESANN 2012). 112:47–57.
Aswolinskiy W, Reinhart F, Steil JJ.  2017.  Modelling of Parametrized Processes via Regression in the Model Space of Neural Networks. Neurocomputing. 268(C):55-63.
Aswolinskiy W, Reinhart F, Steil JJ.  2016.  Modelling of Parameterized Processes via Regression in the Model Space. Proceedings of 24th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks. :53–58.
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Ritter H, Steil JJ, Sagerer G.  2010.  Mit Kopf, Körper und Hand: Herausforderungen Humanoider Roboter. Automatisierungstechnik, special issue on "humnoid robotics". 58:630–638.
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Rolf M, Steil JJ, Gienger M.  2010.  Mastering Growth while Bootstrapping Sensorimotor Coordination. Int. Conf. on Epigenetic Robotics.
Reinhart F, Neumann K, Aswolinskiy W, Steil JJ, Hammer B.  2018.  Maschinelles Lernen in technischen Systemen. Steigerung der Intelligenz mechatronischer Systeme. :pp.73-118.
Ritter H, Haschke R, Röthling F, Steil JJ.  2011.  Manual Intelligence as a Rosetta Stone for Robot Cognition. Robotics Research. 66:135–146.
Ritter H, Haschke R, Röthling F, Steil JJ.  2011.  Manual Intelligence as a Rosetta Stone for Robot Cognition. Robotics Research. 66:135–146.
Schrake H., Rieseler H., Wahl F..  1991.  Manipulator Classification by Means of a Kinematics Description Language. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advanced Robotics. :678–682.
Klankers K, Rudloff A, Mohammadi P, Hoffmann N, Latifi SMilad Mir, Gökay R, Nagwekar R, Weidner R, Steil JJ.  2024.  Lessons Learned from Investigating Robotics-Based, Human-like Testing of an Upper-Body Exoskeleton . Applied Sciences. 14(6)
Reinhart F, Steil JJ.  2012.  Learning Whole Upper Body Control with Dynamic Redundancy Resolution in Coupled Associative Radial Basis Function Networks. IROS. :1487–1492.
Soltoggio A, Reinhart F, Lemme A, Steil JJ.  2013.  Learning the rules of a game: neural conditioning in human-robot interaction with delayed rewards.
Weng S, Wersing H, Steil JJ, Ritter H.  2006.  Learning Lateral Interactions for Feature Binding and Sensory Segmentation from Prototypic Basis Interactions. IEEE Trans. Neural Networks. 17:843–862.
Rayyes R, Kubus D, Steil JJ.  2018.  Learning Inverse Statics Models Efficiently with Symmetry-Based Exploration. Frontiers in Neurorobotics.
Rayyes R, Kubus D, Hartmann C, Steil JJ.  2017.  Learning Inverse Statics Models Efficiently. arXiv.
Neumann K, Rolf M, Steil JJ, Gienger M.  2010.  Learning Inverse Kinematics for Pose-Constraint Bi-Manual Movements. From Animals to Animats 11. 11th International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, SAB 2010. Proceedings. 6226
Kubus D, Rayyes R, Steil JJ.  2018.  Learning Forward and Inverse Kinematics Maps Efficiently. IROS 2018.
Rolf M, Steil JJ, Gienger M.  2010.  Learning Flexible Full Body Kinematics for Humanoid Tool Use. Int. Symp. Learning and Adaptive Behavior in Robotic Systems (Best Paper Award). :171–176.
Wersing H, Steil JJ, Ritter H.  1997.  A Layered Recurrent Neural Network for Feature Grouping. Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks. :439–444.
