Efficient and Stable Online Learning for Developmental Robots. PhD Thesis - Dr.-Ing
2021. Impedance-based Physical Human-Multi-Robot Collaboration. International Journal of Robotics Research.
2021. .
2021. Interest-Driven Exploration with Observational Learning for Developmental Robots. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems .
2021. "Können Maschinen Ethisches Verhalten Lernen ?" Bericht zum 1. SYnENZ Zirkel der BWG Kommission für Synergie und Intelligenz (SYnENZ) Jahrbuch der Braunschweigischen Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft. :117-120.
2021. A Perspective onto the Structure of Motions from the Viewpoint of Dualization. Geometry and Topology in Robotics: Learning, Optimization, Planning, and Control / RSS Workshop.
2021. On the Principle of Transference and its Impact on Robotic Innovation. KIT Science Week / DGR Days 2021.
2021. Real-Time Shape Estimation for Concentric Tube Continuum Robots with a Single Force/Torque-Sensor. Frontiers in Robotics and AI -- Soft Robotics.
2021. Redundancy Resolution as Action Bias in Policy Search for Robotic Manipulation. Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL).
2021. A Representation of the Geometric Product for 3-Vectors by Means of Matrix Algebra. Applied Geometric Algebras in Computer Science and Engineering.
2021. Steuern wir oder werden wir gesteuert? Chancen und Risiken von Mensch-Technik-Interaktion R. Haux, K. Gahl, M. Jipp, R. Kruse, O. Richter (Hrsg.): Zusammenwirken von natürlicher und künstlicher Intelligenz.
2021. Das Studysche Übertragungsprinzip. IFToMM D-A-CH.
2022. Efficient Online Interest-Driven Exploration for Developmental Robots. IEEE Trans. Cognitive and Developmental Systems. 14 (4):1367-1377.
2022. .
2022. .
2022. On Orientation, Position, and Attitude Singularities of General 3R Chains. Mathematics of Robotics (IMA, SIAM).
2022. .
2022. SYnENZ 2021: Bericht aus der SYnENZ Kommission. Jahrbuch der Braunschweigischen Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft. :154-160.
2022. Systematic Testing of Exoskeletons with Robots: Challenges and Opportunities. Int. Symposium on Robotics. :42-49.
2022. On the Use of Ternary Products to Characterize the Dexterity of Spatial Kinematic Chains. Advances in Robot Kinematics.
2022. Variable Stiffness Actuator Control Based on Linear Model Predictive Control in a Low Stiffness Regime. Int. Symposium on Robotics . :117-122.
2022. Approaching Linear Elastic Deformations of Flexible Bodies via Screw Theory. Eccomas Multibody Dynamics 2023.
2023. Connections between Matrix Products for 3-Vectors and Geometric Algebra. Mathematics for Applications. 11:1-25.
2023. Data-Driven Estimation of Forces Along the Backbone of Concentric Tube Continuum Robots. Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
2023. Ellipse Distance Geometry and the Design of 3R Robots. IFToMM World Congress.