
Found 786 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Kauschke M..  1996.  Closed form solutions applied to redundant serial link manipulators. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. 41:509–516.
Krebs B., Sieverding P., Korn B..  1996.  Correct 3D-Matching via a Fuzzy ICP Algorithm for Arbitrary Shaped Objects. DAGM 1996 - Mustererkennung. :521–528.
Kruse E., Gutsche R., Wahl F..  1996.  Efficient, Iterative, Sensor Based 3D Map Building using Ratings Functions in Configuration Space. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. :1067–1070.
Mosemann H., Röhrdanz F., Wahl F..  1996.  Ein aufgabenorientiertes Robotermontageplanungssystem für die automatische Generierung und Evaluierung von Montagesequenzen. Bergisches Seminar für Robotik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal. :85–112.
Kratchounova T., Krebs B., Korn B..  1996.  Erkennung und Bestimmung der aktuellen Konstellation von Objekten mit Scharniergelenken. DAGM 1996 - Mustererkennung. :502–509.
Kruse E., Gutsche R., Wahl F..  1996.  Estimation of Collision Probabilities in Dynamic Environments for Path Planning with Minimum Collision Probability. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. :1288–1295.
Krebs B., Sieverding P., Korn B..  1996.  A Fuzzy ICP Algorithm for 3D Free Form Object Recognition. 13th ICPR96. :539–543.
Röhrdanz F., Mosemann H., Wahl F..  1996.  HighLAP : A High Level System for Generating, Representing, and Evaluating Assembly Sequences. IEEE International Joint Symposia on Intelligence and Systems. :134–141.
Röhrdanz F., Wahl F..  1996.  Incremental Free Space Acquisition and Representation for Automatic Grasping. Fourth Int. Conference on Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision (ICARCV). :904–908.
Gutsche R., Wahl F..  1996.  On Integration of Sensor Guided Movements into Robot Motion Planning. Third International Symposium on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR). :502–509.
Wang Y., Wahl F..  1996.  Interactive Multiobjective Decision-Making Approach to Image Reconstruction from Projections. Journal of Signal Processing. 48:67–75.
Röhrdanz F., Mosemann H., Wahl F..  1996.  International Conference on THEORY AND PRACTICE OF GEOMETRIC MODELING. :416–434.
Pelich C., Mosemann H., Wahl F..  1996.  A Powerful, Flexible and Process-Modular Robot Control Environment. 4th IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Manufacturing. :57–60.
Prüfer M., Schmidt C..  1996.  Practical Aspects of Robot Dynamics Identification. Proceedings of the 3rd Int. Symposium on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics. :971–976.
Pelich C., Wahl F..  1996.  A Programming Environment for a Multiprocessor-Net based Robot Control Unit. 10th International Conference on High Performance Computers.
Prüfer M..  1996.  Reibungsanalyse und Identifikation von Dynamikparametern bei direkt angetriebenen und getriebebehafteten Robotern. Fortschritte in der Robotik. 1
Ding M., Wahl F..  1995.  3D Reconstruction Using Correspondeceless Stereo. ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA. 23:6–11.
Colombo C., Kruse E., Dario P..  1995.  Control of Camera Motions from the Planning of Image Contours. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 16:29–38.
Stahs T..  1995.  Ein aktives 3D-Robotersensorensystem auf der Grundlage eines verallgemeinerten Ansatzes zur Erstellung modellbasierter Objekterkennungsverfahren. Berichte aus der Automatisierungstechnik.
Laloni C., Gutsche R., Wahl F..  1995.  Hard Real-Time Scheduling of Distance-Constrained Sensor Tasks within a Monitoring System for Mobile Robot Guidance. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems. :591–596.
Kruse E., Gutsche R., Wahl F..  1995.  Inkrementelle, sensorbasierte Erzeugung eines Umweltmodells mit Hilfe von Bewertungsfunktionen im Konfigurationsraum. AMS95 11. Fachgespräch Autonome Mobile Systeme. :120–131.
Wang Y., Frieden B..  1995.  Minimum-Entropy Neural Network Approach to Turbulent Image Reconstruction. Applied Optics. 34:5938–5944.
Gutsche R., Laloni C., Wahl F..  1995.  MONAMOVE: A Flexible Transport System for Industrial Environments Using Global Sensor and Navigation Concepts. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics. :491-502.
Gutsche R., Laloni C., Wahl F..  1995.  MONAMOVE: A Flexible Transport System for Industrial Environments Using Global Sensor and Navigation Concepts. Journal Robotics and Autonomous Systems (Special Issue). 14:85–98.
Krebs B., Korn B., Wahl F..  1995.  Plausibilistic Preprocessing of Sparse Range Images. 1995 ICIAP - International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing. :361–366.
