
Found 786 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Liu W, Chen D, Steil JJ.  2017.  Analytical Inverse Kinematics Solver for Anthropomorphic 7-DOF Redundant Manipulators with Human-Like Configuration Constraints. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems. 86(1):63-79.
Shareef Z, Just V, Teichrieb H, Trächtler A.  2017.  Design and control of cooperative ball juggling DELTA robots without visual guidance. Robotica. 35(2)
Muxfeldt A, Kubus D, Haus J, Kissener K, Steil JJ.  2017.  Exploiting Tactile Gestures for Intuitive Robot Programming and Control. ICRA 2017 Workshop "The robotic sense of touch" .
Reinhart F, Shareef Z, Steil JJ.  2017.  Hybrid Analytical and Data-driven Modeling for Feed-forward Robot Control. Sensors. 17(2)
Malekzadeh M, Queißer J, Steil JJ.  2017.  Imitation learning for a continuum trunk robot. Proceedings of the 25. European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning.
Rayyes R, Kubus D, Hartmann C, Steil JJ.  2017.  Learning Inverse Statics Models Efficiently. arXiv.
Aswolinskiy W, Reinhart F, Steil JJ.  2017.  Modelling of Parametrized Processes via Regression in the Model Space of Neural Networks. Neurocomputing. 268(C):55-63.
Molkenstruck S., Thomas U., Iser R., Wahl F..  2017.  Multi Sensor Fusion in Robot Assembly Using Particle Filters. VDE/VDI GMA-Fachausschuss 4.13.
Steil JJ, Maier GW.  2017.  Robots in the digitalized workplace. The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of the Internet at Work. :403-422.
Kubus D, Muxfeldt A, Kissener K, Haus JNiklas, Steil JJ.  2017.  Robust Recognition of Tactile Gestures for Intuitive Robot Programming. 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2017).
Bongardt B.  2017.  SU-Based Analytic IK for SRS Arms Yielding Eightfold Circles. DGR Days (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Robotik).
Aswolinskiy W, Reinhart F, Steil JJ.  2017.  Time Series Classification in Reservoir- and Model-Space. Neural Processing Letters. 48(3):789–809.
Vasquez-Tieck J.C, Donat H., Kaiser J., Peric I., Ulbrich S., Roennau A., Marius Z., Dillmann R..  2017.  Towards Grasping with Spiking Neural Networks for Anthropomorphic Robot Hands. ICANN 2017 - The 26th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks.
Muxfeldt A, Gopinathan S, Coenders T, Steil JJ.  2017.  A User Study on Human-Robot-Interactive Recovery for Industrial Assembly Problems. 26th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), p. 824-830.
Gopinathan S, Ötting S, Steil JJ.  2017.  A User Study on Personalized Adaptive Stiffness Control Modes for Human-Robot Interaction. 26th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), p 831-837.
Gopinathan S, Ötting S, Steil JJ.  2017.  A user study on personalized stiffness control and task specificity in physical Human-Robot Interaction. Frontiers in Robotics and AI -- Humanoid Robotics.
Ötting S, Gopinathan S, Maier GW, Steil JJ.  2017.  Why Criteria of Decision Fairness Should be Considered in Robot Design. Workshop Robots in Groups and Teams at ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing.
