On Circle Intersections by Means of Distance Geometry. IFTOMM World Congress.
2019. Compliant Humanoids Moving Toward Rehabilitation Applications. Robotics and Automation Magazin. 26(4):83-93.
2019. Design and kinematic analysis of the novel almost spherical parallel mechanism Active Ankle. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems. 94(2):303-325.
2019. Dynamically-consistent Generalized Hierarchical Control. ICRA. :1141-1147.
2019. Eine analytische Lösung der inversen Kinematik allgemeiner räumlicher Ketten mit rotativen und zylindrischen Gelenken. IFTOMM-DACH.
2019. Exploiting Environment Contacts of Serial Manipulators. ICRA, 4991 - 4997.
2019. Full 6-DOF Admittance Control for the Industrial Robot Stäubli TX60. 2019 IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE). :1450-1455.
2019. Goal-Related Feedback Guides Motor Exploration and Redundancy Resolution in Human Motor Skill Acquisition. PLOS Computational Biology. 15(3):1-27.
2019. Maschinelles Lernen und lernende Assistenzsysteme - Neue Tätigkeiten, Rollen und Anforderungen für Beschäftigte? Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis – BWP. 3:14-18.
2019. Multi-level control architecture for Bionic Handling Assistant robot augmented by learning from demonstration for apple-picking. Advanced Robotics. :1-17.
2019. Online Associative Multi-Stage Goal Babbling Toward Versatile Learning of Sensorimotor Skills. Int. Conference Developmental Learning. :327-334.
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2019. Plug, Plan and Produce as Enabler for easy Workcell Setup and Collaborative Robot Programming in Smart Factories. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz. 33(Special Issue: Smart Production 2):151–161.
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2019. Roboterlernen ohne Grenzen ? Lernende Roboter und ethische Fragen Christiane Woopen, Marc Jannes [Hrsg.] Roboter in der Gesellschaft. Technische Möglichkeiten und menschliche Verantwortung. :15-33.
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Bootstrapping of Parameterized Skills Through Hybrid Optimization in Task and Policy Spaces. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, section Humanoid Robotics. 5
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2018. From social interaction to ethical AI: a developmental roadmap. ICDL-EPIROB 2018.
2018. Fusion of Human Demonstrations for Automatic Recovery during Industrial Assembly. 14th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering.
2018. Humanoid Kinematics and Dynamics: Open Questions and Future Directions. Humanoid Robotics: A Reference. :893-902.
2018. Improved Human-Robot Interaction: A manipulability based approach. ICRA 2018 Workshop on Ergonomic Physical Human-Robot Collaboration.
2018. Inverse Kinematics of Anthropomorphic Arms Yielding Eight Coinciding Circles. International Workshop on Computational Kinematics.