
Found 786 results
Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Conference Paper
Wersing H, Kirstein S, Götting M, Brandl H, Dunn M, Mikhailova I, Görick C, Steil JJ, Ritter H, Körner E.  2007.  Online Learning of Objects and Faces in an Integrated Biologically Motivated Architecture. International Conference on Computer Vision Systems.
Lebedev DV, Steil JJ, Ritter H.  2005.  An on-line neural network-based approach to dynamic path planning and coordination of two robot arms. Proc. Int. Conf. Intelligent Robotis and Systems. :2411–2416.
Kubus D., Kröger T., Wahl F..  2007.  On-Line Rigid Object Recognition and Pose Estimation Based on Inertial Parameters. Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. :1402–1408.
Kröger T., Wahl F..  2010.  On-Line Trajectory Generation: Basic Concepts for Instantaneous Reactions to Unforeseen Events. IEEE Transactions on Robotics. 26:94–111.
Belardinelli A, Schneider WX, Steil JJ.  2010.  OOP: Object-Oriented-Priority for Motion Saliency Maps. Workshop on Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems. :370–381.
Wigand D, Mohammadi P, Hoffmann EMingo, Wrede S, Steil JJ, Tsagarakis N.  2018.  An Open-Source Architecture for Simulation, Execution and Analysis of Real-Time Robotics Systems. SIMPAR.
Shareef Z, Trächtler A.  2014.  Optimal trajectory planning for robotic manipulators using discrete mechanics and optimal control. IEEE Conference on Control Applications.
Shareef Z, Usman Z, Rana MAsif.  2014.  Optimization of static and dynamic anti-windup compensator using new improved particle swarm optimization algorithm. IEEE 15th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics.
Bongardt B, Müller A.  2022.  On Orientation, Position, and Attitude Singularities of General 3R Chains. Mathematics of Robotics (IMA, SIAM).
Ding M., Tu J., Wahl F..  1998.  Orthographical Reconstruction in One Shot Active System. International Symposium on Multispectral Image Processing, SPIE. 3545:74–77.
Prüfer M..  1993.  Parallel and Distributed Computing on Transputers for Advanced Robot Control. Proceedings of the International Workshop: Software Engineering for Parallel Real-Time Systems. :59–62.
Kozlowski K., Prüfer M..  1992.  Parameter Identification of an Experimental 2-Link Direct Drive Arm. IASTED International Conference on Control and Robotics. :313–316.
Aswolinskiy W, Steil JJ.  2016.  Parameterized Pattern Generation via Regression in the Model Space of Echo State Networks. Proceedings of the Workshop on New Challenges in Neural Computation.
Kunkel M., Moral A., Rilk M., Tingelhoff K., Bootz F., Wahl F..  2007.  Paranasal Sinuses Segmentation / Reconstruction for Robot Assisted Endonasal Surgery. Thematic Conference on Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing ECCOMAS VIPIMAGE. :175–181.
Gutsche R., Stahs T., Wahl F..  1991.  Path Generation with a Universal 3D Sensor. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation Sacramento. :838–843.
Gutsche R., Laloni C., Wahl F..  1994.  Path Planning for Mobile Vehicles within Dynamic Worlds using Statistical Data. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). :454–461.
Hammer B, Steil JJ.  2002.  Perspectives on Learning with Recurrent Neural Networks. Proc. European Symposium Artificial Neural Networks. :357–368.
Finkemeyer B., Kröger T., Wahl F..  2003.  PLACING OF OBJECTS IN UNKNOWN ENVIRONMENTS. Proceedings of the 9th IEEE Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR 2003). :975–980.
Stoeter S., Voss S., Papanikolopoulos N., Mosemann H..  1999.  Planning of Regrasp Operations. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. :245–250.
Thomas U., Wahl F..  2012.  Planning Sensor Feedback for Assembly Skills by Using Sensor State Space Graphs. ICIRA 2012. :696–707.
Röthling F, Haschke R, Steil JJ, Ritter H.  2007.  Platform Portable Anthropomorphic Grasping with the Bielefeld 20-DOF Shadow and 9-DOF TUM Hand. Proc. Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). :2951–2956.
Krebs B., Korn B., Wahl F..  1995.  Plausibilistic Preprocessing of Sparse Range Images. 1995 ICIAP - International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing. :361–366.
Krebs B., Korn B..  1995.  Plausibilistische Vorverarbeitung von unvollständigen Tiefenbildern. Tagungsband des 17. DAGM-Symposiums Mustererkennung. :500–507.
Pelich C., Mosemann H., Wahl F..  1996.  A Powerful, Flexible and Process-Modular Robot Control Environment. 4th IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Manufacturing. :57–60.
Prüfer M., Schmidt C..  1996.  Practical Aspects of Robot Dynamics Identification. Proceedings of the 3rd Int. Symposium on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics. :971–976.
