
Found 786 results
Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Conference Paper
Neumann K, Steil JJ.  2012.  Intrinsic Plasticity via Natural Gradient Decent. 20th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN 2012). Proceedings. :555–560.
Bongardt B.  2018.  Inverse Kinematics of Anthropomorphic Arms Yielding Eight Coinciding Circles. International Workshop on Computational Kinematics.
Oszwald M., Westphal R., Wahl F., Hüfner T., Gösling T., Krettek C..  2009.  Ist die Oberflächenvisualisierung in der geschlossenen Frakturreposition des Femurs die entscheidende Zusatzinformation? Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie.
Kubus D., Inkermann D., Vietor T., Wahl F..  2011.  Joint Actuation Based on Highly Dynamic Torque Transmission Elements - Concept and Control Approaches. Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. :2777–2784.
Shareef Z, Trächtler A.  2014.  Joint Selection Criterion for Optimal Trajectory Planning for Robotic Manipulators using Dynamic Programming. 19th IFAC World Congress.
Muxfeldt A., Kluth J., Kubus D..  2014.  Kinesthetic Teaching in Assembly Operations - A User Study. Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Simulation, Modelling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots (SIMPAR 2014), Lectures Notes in Computer Science. 8810:533–544.
Strauss G., Lemke H., Lüth T., Bootz F., Wahl F., Krasky M., Meixensberger J..  2003.  Kritische Analyse endoskopischer Eingriffe in der Kopfchirurgie für die Entwicklung eines robotischen Assistenzsystems. CURAC 2003, Computer und Roboter Assistierte Chirurgie.
Wersing H, Steil JJ, Ritter H.  1997.  A Layered Recurrent Neural Network for Feature Grouping. Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks. :439–444.
Weng S., Steil JJ.  2003.  Learning Compatibitlity Functions for Feature Binding and Perceptual Grouping. Proc. of Int. Conference Artificial Neural Networks. LNCS 2714:60–67.
Rolf M, Steil JJ, Gienger M.  2010.  Learning Flexible Full Body Kinematics for Humanoid Tool Use. Int. Symp. Learning and Adaptive Behavior in Robotic Systems (Best Paper Award). :171–176.
Kubus D, Rayyes R, Steil JJ.  2018.  Learning Forward and Inverse Kinematics Maps Efficiently. IROS 2018.
Alizadeh T, Malekzadeh MS, Barzegari S..  2016.  Learning from demonstration with partially observable task parameters using dynamic movement primitives and Gaussian process regression. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM).
Neumann K, Rolf M, Steil JJ, Gienger M.  2010.  Learning Inverse Kinematics for Pose-Constraint Bi-Manual Movements. From Animals to Animats 11. 11th International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, SAB 2010. Proceedings. 6226
Weirich A, Haumann C, Steil JJ, Schüler S..  2011.  Learning Lab - Physical Interaction with Humanoid Robots for Pupils. Proc. Robotics in Education. :21–28.
Kober J, Gienger M, Steil JJ.  2015.  Learning Movement Primitives for Force Interaction Tasks. ICRA. :3192–3199.
Soltoggio A, Reinhart F, Lemme A, Steil JJ.  2013.  Learning the rules of a game: neural conditioning in human-robot interaction with delayed rewards.
Bruno D, Calinon S, Malekzadeh MS, Caldwell DG.  2015.  Learning the stiffness of a continuous soft manipulator from multiple demonstrations. International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications.
Freire A, Lemme A, Steil JJ, Baretto G.  2012.  Learning visuo-motor coordination for pointing without depth calculation. Proc. European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks. :91–96.
Reinhart F, Steil JJ.  2012.  Learning Whole Upper Body Control with Dynamic Redundancy Resolution in Coupled Associative Radial Basis Function Networks. IROS. :1487–1492.
Steil JJ.  2000.  Local input-output stability of recurrent networks with time-varying weights. Proc. European Symposium Artificial Neural Networks. :281–286.
Iser R., Martens A., Wahl F..  2010.  Localization of Mobile Robots Using Incremental Local Maps. Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. :4873–4880.
Last C., Winkelbach S., Wahl F., Eichhorn K., Bootz F..  2011.  A Locally Deformable Statistical Shape Model. MLMI 2011, LNCS. 7009:51–58.
Spehr J., Gövercin M., Winkelbach S., Steinhagen-Thiessen E., Wahl F..  2008.  Long-Term Evaluation of a Visual Fall Detection System in a Real Home Environment. 1. Gemeinsamer Kongress der DGG / ÖGGG und der DGGG / SGG.
Testarossa T..  1999.  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Osypiuk R., Kröger T..  2008.  A Low-Cost Hexa Platform for Efficient Force Control Systems Using Industrial Manipulators. The 4th International Conference Mechatronic Systems and Materials. :3–4.
