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Steil JJ.  2002.  Local structural stability of recurrent networks with time-varying weights. Neurocomputing. 48:39–51.
Iser R., Martens A., Wahl F..  2010.  Localization of Mobile Robots Using Incremental Local Maps. Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. :4873–4880.
Last C., Winkelbach S., Wahl F., Eichhorn K., Bootz F..  2011.  A Locally Deformable Statistical Shape Model. MLMI 2011, LNCS. 7009:51–58.
Spehr J., Gövercin M., Winkelbach S., Steinhagen-Thiessen E., Wahl F..  2008.  Long-Term Evaluation of a Visual Fall Detection System in a Real Home Environment. 1. Gemeinsamer Kongress der DGG / ÖGGG und der DGGG / SGG.
Testarossa T..  1999.  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Osypiuk R., Kröger T..  2009.  A Low-Cost Hexa Platform for Efficient Force Control Systems Using Industrial Manipulators. Solid State Phenomena. 147-149:1–6.
Osypiuk R., Kröger T..  2008.  A Low-Cost Hexa Platform for Efficient Force Control Systems Using Industrial Manipulators. The 4th International Conference Mechatronic Systems and Materials. :3–4.
[Anonymous].  2010.  The Lower Saxony Research Network Design of Environments for Ageing (GAL) - Towards Interdisciplinary Research on ICT in Ageing Societies. MedInfo.
Kubus D., Sommerkorn A., Kröger T., Maaß J., Wahl F..  2010.  Low-Level Control of Robot Manipulators: Distributed Open Real-Time Control Architectures for Stäubli RX and TX Manipulators. Workshop on Innovative Robot Control Architectures for Demanding (Research) Applications - How to Modify and Enhance Commercial Controllers at the IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. :pp38–45.
Kröger T., Wahl F..  2010.  Low-Level Control of Robot Manipulators: Sensor-Guided Control and On-Line Trajectory Generation. Workshop on Innovative Robot Control Architectures for Demanding (Research) Applications - How to Modify and Enhance Commercial Controllers at the IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. :46–53.
