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Gutsche R..  1994.  Fahrerlose Transportsysteme - Automatische Bahnplanung in dynamischen Umgebungen. Fortschritte der Robotik. 22
Gutsche R., Stahs T., Wahl F..  1991.  Path Generation with a Universal 3D Sensor. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation Sacramento. :838–843.
Gutsche R., Laloni C., F. Coordination WFine Motio.  1993.  Fine Motion Planning in Self Overlapping Driving Channels ans Multiple Mobile Vehicle Coordination. IEEE/RSJ the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 93). :2249–2256.
Gutsche R., Laloni C., Wahl F..  1995.  MONAMOVE: A Flexible Transport System for Industrial Environments Using Global Sensor and Navigation Concepts. Journal Robotics and Autonomous Systems (Special Issue). 14:85–98.
Gutsche R., Wahl F..  1991.  The Integration of a 3D Sensor into a Robot Work Cell. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (videoproceedings).
Gutsche R., Laloni C., Wahl F..  1994.  Path Planning for Mobile Vehicles within Dynamic Worlds using Statistical Data. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). :454–461.
Gutsche R., Laloni C., Wahl F..  1995.  MONAMOVE: A Flexible Transport System for Industrial Environments Using Global Sensor and Navigation Concepts. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics. :491-502.
Gutsche R., Laloni C., Wahl F..  1992.  MONAMOVE - Ein Navigations- und Überwachungssystem für Fahrerlose Transportfahrzeuge in Fabrikationsumgebungen. Robotersysteme 8. :182–190.
Gutsche R., Röhrdanz F., Wahl F..  1994.  Graphics & Robotics. :87–114.
Gutsche R., Wahl F..  1996.  On Integration of Sensor Guided Movements into Robot Motion Planning. Third International Symposium on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR). :502–509.
Gutsche R., Wahl F..  1992.  A New Navigation Concept for Mobile Vehicles. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. :215–220.
Gutsche R., Laloni C., Wahl F..  1994.  Object Flow Fields - A New Paradigm for Path Planning for AGVs within Production Environments. Data and Knowledge Systems for Manufacturing and Engineering (DKSME). :216–221.
Gutsche R., Laloni C., Wahl F..  1991.  Navigation und Überwachung fahrerloser Transportsysteme durch ein Hallen-Sensorsystem. Autonome Mobile Systeme, 7. Fachgespräch Karlsruhe. :3–12.
Gutsche R., Laloni C., Wahl F..  1992.  New Freespace-Decomposition Technique for Path Planning in Dynamic Worlds. 1992 IASTED - International Conference on Control and Robotics. :305–308.