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Steil JJ, Ritter H.  1998.  Input-Output Stability of Recurrent Neural Networks with Delays using Circle Criteria. Proc. Int. ICSC/IFAC Symposium on Neural Computation. :519–525.
Steil JJ, Maier GW.  2017.  Robots in the digitalized workplace. The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of the Internet at Work. :403-422.
Steil JJ.  2006.  Online stability of backpropagation-decorrelation recurrent learning. Neurocomputing. 69:642–650.
Steil JJ.  2000.  Robust control in closed loops realised by fast signal transmission of infinite gain neurons. Proc. Int. Conf. Artificial Neural Networks. 1:260–266.
Steil JJ, Finas D, Beck S, Manzeschke A, Haux R.  2019.  Robotic Systems in Operating Theatres: New Forms of Team-Machine Interaction in Health Care - On Challenges for Health Information Systems on Adequately Considering Hybrid Action of Humans and Machines. Methods of Information in Medicine. 58:e14-e25.
Steil JJ.  2011.  What do humanoid robots offer to experimental psychology ? Connectionist models of neurocognition and emergent behavior : from theory to applications ; proceedings of the 12th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop, Birkbeck, University of London, 8 - 10 April 2010. 20:361–371.
Steil JJ, Röthling F, Haschke R, Ritter H.  2004.  Situated robot learning for multi-modal instruction and imitation of grasping. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 47:129–141.
Steil JJ.  1999.  Input-Output Stability of Recurrent Neural Networks.
Steil JJ, Kõiva R, Sperduti A.  2006.  Unsupervised Clustering of Continuous Trajectories of Kinematic Trees with SOM-SD. Proc. European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks.
Steil JJ, Heidemann G, Jockusch J, Rae R, Jungclaus N, Ritter H.  2001.  Guiding Attention for Grasping Tasks by Gestural Instruction: The GRAVIS-Robot Architecture. Proc. Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Sytems. :1570–1577.
Steil JJ, Wrede S.  2019.  Maschinelles Lernen und lernende Assistenzsysteme - Neue Tätigkeiten, Rollen und Anforderungen für Beschäftigte? Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis – BWP. 3:14-18.
Steil JJ, Wrede S.  2012.  Intelligent Interfaces between Humans and Technology. 22:2.
Steil JJ.  2005.  Stability of backpropagtion-decorrelation efficient O(N) recurrent learning. Proc. European Symposium Artificial Neural Networks. :43–48.
Steil JJ, Ritter H.  1999.  Maximisation of stability ranges for recurrent neural networks subject to on-line adaptation. Proc. European Symposium Artificial Neural Networks. :369–374.
Steil JJ, Bullinger-Hoffmann A, André E.  2023.  Mit KI zu mehr Teilhabe in der Arbeitswelt: Potenziale, Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Herausforderungen. Whitepaper aus der Plattform Lernende Systeme.
Steil JJ.  2007.  Online reservoir adaptation by intrinsic plasticity for backpropagation-decorrelation and echo state learning. Neural Networks. 20:353–364.
Steil JJ.  2002.  Local structural stability of recurrent networks with time-varying weights. Neurocomputing. 48:39–51.
Steil JJ, Maier GW.  2020.  Kollaborative Roboter – universale Werkzeuge in der digitalisierten und vernetzten Arbeitswelt. G. W. Maier, G. Engels, E. Steffen (Hrg.): Handbuch Gestaltung digitaler und vernetzter Arbeitswelten. :323-346.
Steil JJ, Emmerich C, Swadzba A, Grünberg R, Nordmann A, Wrede S.  2013.  Kinesthetic Teaching Using Assisted Gravity Compensation for Model-Free Trajectory Generation in Confined Spaces. Gearing Up and Accelerating Cross-Fertilization between Academic and Industrial Robotics Research in Europe. 94:107–127.
Steil JJ, Cawley GC, Villmann T.  2005.  Trends in Neurocomputing at ESANN 2004. Neurocomputing. 64:1–4.
Steil JJ, Ritter H.  1999.  Recurrent Learning of Input-Output Stable Behaviour in Function Space: A Case Study with the Roessler Attractor. Proc. Int. Conf. Artificial Neural Networks. :761–766.
Steil JJ.  2021.  "Können Maschinen Ethisches Verhalten Lernen ?" Bericht zum 1. SYnENZ Zirkel der BWG Kommission für Synergie und Intelligenz (SYnENZ) Jahrbuch der Braunschweigischen Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft. :117-120.
Steil JJ, Götting M, Wersing H, Körner E, Ritter H.  2007.  Adaptive scene dependent filters for segmentation and online learning of visual objects. Neurocomputing. 70:1235–1246.
Steil JJ.  2004.  Neural Dynamics for Task-Oriented Grouping of Communicating Agents. Proc. European Symposium Artificial Neural Networks. :531–536.
Steil JJ.  2019.  Roboterlernen ohne Grenzen ? Lernende Roboter und ethische Fragen Christiane Woopen, Marc Jannes [Hrsg.] Roboter in der Gesellschaft. Technische Möglichkeiten und menschliche Verantwortung. :15-33.
