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Schiller UD, Steil JJ.  2005.  Analyzing the weight dynamics of recurrent learning algorithms. Neurocomputing. 63:5–23.
Haschke R, Steil JJ.  2005.  Input Space Bifurcation Manifolds of Recurrent Neural Networks. Neurocomputing. 64:25–38.
Steil JJ.  2005.  Memory in Backpropagation-Decorrelation O(N) Efficient Online Recurrent Learning. LNCS. 3697:649–654.
Lebedev DV, Steil JJ, Ritter H.  2005.  An on-line neural network-based approach to dynamic path planning and coordination of two robot arms. Proc. Int. Conf. Intelligent Robotis and Systems. :2411–2416.
Steil JJ.  2005.  Stability of backpropagtion-decorrelation efficient O(N) recurrent learning. Proc. European Symposium Artificial Neural Networks. :43–48.
Haschke R, Steil JJ, Steuwer I, Ritter H.  2005.  Task-Oriented Quality Measures for Dextrous Grasping. Proc. Conference on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation. :689–694.
Steil JJ, Cawley GC, Villmann T.  2005.  Trends in Neurocomputing at ESANN 2004. Neurocomputing. 64:1–4.
Götting M, Steil JJ, Wersing H, Körner E, Ritter H.  2006.  Adaptive scene-dependent filters in online learning environments. New issues in neurocomputing. 13th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks 2005. :101–106.
Wersing H, Kirstein S, Götting M, Brandl H, Dunn M, Mikhailova I, Görick C, Steil JJ, Ritter H, Körner E.  2006.  A biologically motivated system for unconstrained online learning of visual objects. Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN). 2:508–517.
Klanke S, Lebedev DV, Haschke R, Steil JJ, Ritter H.  2006.  Dynamic Path Planning for a 7-DOF Robot Arm. Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems. :3879–3884.
Ritter H, Weng S, Ontrup J, Steil JJ.  2006.  Gestalt Formation in a Competitive Layered Neural Architecture. Networks: From Biology to Theory. :163–191.
Weng S, Wersing H, Steil JJ, Ritter H.  2006.  Learning Lateral Interactions for Feature Binding and Sensory Segmentation from Prototypic Basis Interactions. IEEE Trans. Neural Networks. 17:843–862.
Steil JJ.  2006.  Online stability of backpropagation-decorrelation recurrent learning. Neurocomputing. 69:642–650.
Steil JJ, Kõiva R, Sperduti A.  2006.  Unsupervised Clustering of Continuous Trajectories of Kinematic Trees with SOM-SD. Proc. European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks.
Pardowitz M, Haschke R, Steil JJ, Ritter H.  2008.  Gestalt-Based Action Segmentation for Robot Task Learning. IEEE-RAS 7th International Conference on Humanoid Robots (HUMANOIDS). :347–352.
Steil JJ, Sagerer G, Ritter H, Körner E.  2008.  Humans and Humanoids - Perspectives on Research in Cognition and Robotics. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz. 4:33–36.
Schrauwen B, Wardermann M, Verstraeten D, Steil JJ, Stroobandt D.  2008.  Improving reservoirs using intrinsic plasticity. Neurocomputing. 71:1159–1171.
Reinhart F, Steil JJ.  2008.  Recurrent neural associative learning of forward and inverse kinematics for movement generation of the redundant PA-10 robot. Int. Symp. Learning Adaptive Behavior in Robotic Systems, best paper award. 1:35–40.
