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He H, Chawla N, Chen H, Choe Y, Engelbrecht A, Deva J, Long L, Minai A, Nie F, Ozertem U et al..  2016.  Editorial IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2016 and Beyond. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 27:1–7.
Kopp S, Steil JJ.  2011.  Editorial Special Corner on Cognitive Robotics. Cognitive Processing. 12:317–318.
Narioka K, Reinhart F, Steil JJ.  2015.  Effect of exploratory perturbation on the formation of kinematic synergies in Goal Babbling. 2015 Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EpiRob).
Donat H, Steil JJ, Ben Halima A.  In Press.  Efficient Data-Driven Force Sensing for Concentric Tube Continuum Robots using Diffeomorphic-Mapping-Based Transfer Learning. RoboSoft.
Rolf M, Steil JJ, Gienger M.  2009.  Efficient exploration and learning of whole body kinematics. IEEE 8th International Conference on Development and Learning. :1–7.
Rolf M, Steil JJ.  2014.  Efficient exploratory learning of inverse kinematics on a bionic elephant trunk. IEEE Trans. Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 25:1147–1160.
Rayyes R, Donat H, Steil JJ.  2022.  Efficient Online Interest-Driven Exploration for Developmental Robots. IEEE Trans. Cognitive and Developmental Systems. 14 (4):1367-1377.
Lemme A, Reinhart F, Steil JJ.  2010.  Efficient online learning of a non-negative sparse autoencoder. European Symposium Artificial Neural Networks. :1–6.
Reinhart F, Steil JJ.  2015.  Efficient Policy Search in Low-dimensional Embedding Spaces by Generalizing Motion Primitives with a Parameterized Skill Memory. Autonomous Robots. 38:331–348.
Reinhart F, Steil JJ.  2014.  Efficient Policy Search with a Parameterized Skill Memory. :1400–1407.
Queißer JF, Tani J, Steil JJ.  2025.  The Epistemic Uncertainty Gradient in Spaces of Random Projections. Entropy.
