
Found 365 results
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Book Chapter
Kruse E., Wahl F..  1998.  14. Fachgespräch Autonome Mobile Systeme. :19–26.
Wahl F..  1986.  8. DGAM Symposium. Informatik-Fachberichte. :12-17.
Mosemann H., Röhrdanz F., Wahl F..  1998.  8th International Symposium of Robotics Research. :157–168.
Wahl F..  1987.  9. DAGM Syposium. Informatik Fachberichte. :200-206.
Kunkel M., Moral A., Tingelhoff K., Bootz F., Wahl F..  2009.  Advances in Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing Methods and Applications, Series: Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. Advances in Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing Methods and Applications, Series: Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 13:296.
Krebs B., Wahl F..  1997.  Advances in Computer Vision (Dagstuhl 1996). :221–230.
Krebs B., Wahl F..  1997.  Advances in Computer Vision: Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science. :155–167.
Rilk M., Winkelbach S., Wahl F..  2006.  Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2006. :414–418.
Westphal R., Mikolas M., Wahl F..  2014.  Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2014. Informatik aktuell. :354–359.
Kfuri M., Gösling T., Westphal R., Wahl F., Hüfner T..  2003.  CAOS 2003, 3rd Annual Meeting of CAOS-International - Proceedings.
Westphal R., Faulstich J., Gösling T., Winkelbach S., Hüfner T., Krettek C., Wahl F..  2003.  CARS 2003, Proceedings of the 17th International Congress and Exhibition, Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. International Congress Series. :1369.
Krebs B., Burkhardt M., Wahl F..  1997.  Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. :361–368.
Korn B., Krebs B., Wahl F..  1997.  DAGM97 - Mustererkennung. :175–182.
