Closed-Form Solutions and Solvability of Line-Geometric Paden–Kahan Problems. Conference on Geometry: Theory and Applications.
2021. Constraint optimization for Echo State Networks applied to satellite image forecasting. ESANN. :299-304.
2021. Efficient and Stable Online Learning for Developmental Robots. PhD Thesis - Dr.-Ing
2021. Impedance-based Physical Human-Multi-Robot Collaboration. International Journal of Robotics Research.
2021. .
2021. Interest-Driven Exploration with Observational Learning for Developmental Robots. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems .
2021. "Können Maschinen Ethisches Verhalten Lernen ?" Bericht zum 1. SYnENZ Zirkel der BWG Kommission für Synergie und Intelligenz (SYnENZ) Jahrbuch der Braunschweigischen Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft. :117-120.
2021. A Perspective onto the Structure of Motions from the Viewpoint of Dualization. Geometry and Topology in Robotics: Learning, Optimization, Planning, and Control / RSS Workshop.
2021. On the Principle of Transference and its Impact on Robotic Innovation. KIT Science Week / DGR Days 2021.
2021. Real-Time Shape Estimation for Concentric Tube Continuum Robots with a Single Force/Torque-Sensor. Frontiers in Robotics and AI -- Soft Robotics.
2021. Redundancy Resolution as Action Bias in Policy Search for Robotic Manipulation. Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL).
2021. A Representation of the Geometric Product for 3-Vectors by Means of Matrix Algebra. Applied Geometric Algebras in Computer Science and Engineering.
2021. Steuern wir oder werden wir gesteuert? Chancen und Risiken von Mensch-Technik-Interaktion R. Haux, K. Gahl, M. Jipp, R. Kruse, O. Richter (Hrsg.): Zusammenwirken von natürlicher und künstlicher Intelligenz.
2021. The Adjoint Trigonometric Representation of Displacements and a Closed-Form Solution to the IKP of General 3C Chains. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 100(6)
2020. Compliant Humanoids Moving Toward Rehabilitation Applications: Transparent Integration of Real-Time Control, Whole-Body Motion Generation, and Virtual Reality. ICRA - RAM paper presentation .
2020. Eine vergleichende Betrachtung algebraischer Darstellungen euklidischer Transformationen im Raum. IFTOMM-DACH.
2020. Estimating Tip Contact Forces for Concentric Tube Continuum Robots based on Backbone Deflection. IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics. 2(4):619-630.
2020. Exponential Displacement Coordinates by Means of the Adjoint Representation. Advances in Robot Kinematics 2020. :250-258.
2020. Hierarchical Interest-Driven Goal Babbling for Efficient Bootstrapping of Sensorimotor skills. ICRA . :1336-1342.
2020. Kollaborative Roboter – universale Werkzeuge in der digitalisierten und vernetzten Arbeitswelt. G. W. Maier, G. Engels, E. Steffen (Hrg.): Handbuch Gestaltung digitaler und vernetzter Arbeitswelten. :323-346.
2020. .
2020. .
2020. .
An Analysis of the Dual-Complex Unit Circle with Applications to Line Geometry. Conference on Geometry: Theory and Applications.